Take a look at other events that make us unique
The Ball – (a biennial event)
It’s a night to remember made possible by staff and volunteers who transform our multi-purpose gymnasium to another time and place. Check out some special moments from past events. The Ball alternates with The Extravaganza every other year).
The Extravaganza – (a biennial event)
On the “off” year of our Ball, our biennial Extravaganza is a variety show featuring our talented residents of The Virginia Home. The stars of the show will take the stage to act and sing in various performances that have been inspired by Saturday Night Live, Off-Broadway productions, and music through the decades. They will be sure to have you giggling, gasping, laughing and begging for more! Stay tuned to hear about the next Extravaganza!
Fall Festival
Our annual Fall Festival has a variety of activity booths, fall inspired treats, musical entertainment, and even a petting zoo for our residents. Thanks to our partnership with Longwood University Therapeutic Recreation students, residents enjoy a variety of creative games and new friendships.
Boo House
A celebration with fun costumes, spooky make-up, and sugary treats! Our annual Halloween Boo House and Social is sure to give you a playful case of the heebie jeebies! Many thanks to our friends from Kings Dominion Haunt who donate their time and talent for a fun make-up transformation.