Join our Junior Board – Service that comes from the heart

The Virginia Home Junior Board is an energetic group of go-getters! This hands-on volunteer group augments the work of staff in an overall effort to help each resident live life to the fullest. Through special events, projects and outings, they offer fun and friendship to the residents, support to the staff, and act as ambassadors for The Home in the community.

  • Tour of The Virginia Home
  • Attending monthly meetings on the second Wednesday of the month (either in person or via zoom)
  • Service on at least one committee (sunshine committee, membership committee, volunteer committee, birthday committee, or event committees)
  • Volunteer a minimum of six hours per year
  • Attend two TVH signature events (i.e. Annual Walk ‘n Roll 5k, Boo House, Biennial Ball, Christmas Eve Open House, Fall Fest)
  • Annual dues – $50

Betsy Rader, President
Liz Shield, Vice President
Stephanie Uzel Hill, Treasurer
Laura Ford, Recording Secretary
Whitney Baldwin, Corresponding Secretary

Katherine Agelasto
Elizabeth “Happy” Anderson
Catherine Benevento
Margaret Benson
Christian “Chris” Brown
Nell Davis
Colleen Duffy
Branch Feagans
Meghan Garza
Blayre Gottwald
Kirkland Hagerty
Braxton Hill
Megan Hodges
Katherine Hutchens
Meg Johnson
Emily Keith

Deborah Knighton
Carrie Leone
Michelle Logan
Milicent Lynch
Sarah Maley
Whitney Mathews
Jennifer Owings
Mary Beth Scott Piacentini
Anne Pollard
Whitney Sandridge
Ashley Schmitt
Meredith Schwartz
Meredith Smart
Robin Smith
Allison Spiller
Austin Sutten
Townsend Westermann
Erin White
Johnna Woods

Honorary Members

Mrs. Richard D. Adams and Mrs. Charles A. Hartz, Jr.


We hope you’ll join us – apply here:   JOIN THE JUNIOR BOARD!
